Acne is a common skin disease that affects millions of people but no
matter how common it is, no one wants to have them because they commonly
appear on the face. It can affect not only one’s skin but it can also
damage one’s self-esteem. The presence of unsightly and embarrassing
acne can make most people become so self-conscious about their
appearance that they sometimes become aloof to people.
Acne may be triggered by many factors including hormonal changes,
stress, poor nutrition, poor skin care and certain medicines. Acne may
go away on their own but it may take years. It is best to consult your
doctor if you are suffering from severe acne. Aside from medicines and
medical intervention, it is also important to know some self-care for
unsightly and embarrassing acne.
Here are some self-care tips that every person suffering from unsightly and embar
rassing acne should know:
Keep your skin clean. Cleanliness is you best defense against
unsightly and embarrassing acne so make it a habit to keep your skin
clean to keep dirt off your face. As much as possible avoid greasy
make-up and creams, water-based make-ups are better. Dirt could
accumulate on your face so remove your make-up before going to bed.
Gently wash your face using a clean wash cloth and mild soap.
Use a
clean wash cloth but do not scrub because scrubbing may irritate and
aggravate your skin
condition. Bacteria thrives on wet dirty wash cloth
so make sure to always use clean wash cloth.
Wash your face after exercising. To some people, perspiration leads
to acne outbreak. After engaging in activities resulting to perspiration
or sweating, it is important to wash your face. Dirt and dust are more
likely to stick to greasy and moist face and could clog skin pores
aggravating your acne condition. Sweat could also invite bacteria that
could infect your skin.
Keep your hair clean and away from your face. Dirty hair could cause
infections if they come in contact with your face acne. Shampoo or wash
your hair regularly to keep them clean. Keep your hair off your face to
avoid aggravating your skin condition. It also important to avoid hair
styling products like gels, hair waxes and sprays to get in contact with
your face. Chemicals present in hair styling products may lead to
infections and acne breakout.
Leave your face alone. Most people tend to touch and squeeze their
unsightly and embarrassing acne but you have to know that this habit
could not make your acne go away. Squeezing acne could lead to
infections and scars. Keep your hands off your face and do not squeeze
or touch your acne. Your hands can transmit bacteria that could
aggravate your skin condition so leave your face alone.
Avoid too much sun exposure. Sunbathing or too much sun exposure can
damage the skin and can increase your risk of developing skin diseases.
It is important to have some sunlight but too much sun exposure can be
bad to your health and your skin.
Get enough sleep and avoid stress. Stress can lead to a number of
health issues including skin problems like acne. Lack of sleep increases
one’s level of stress so a complete night sleep is necessary to
decrease one’s stress resulting to healthier skin. If you want to get
rid of your unsightly and embarrassing acne, it is important to make
some changes to your sleeping pattern and sleep more. Get more sleep to
improve your skin health.
Make some changes on your diet. Some people experience acne breakouts
after consuming certain foods. If you noticed that your acne becomes
worse after eating chocolates and fatty foods, then you have to avoid
them even if you like them so much. Getting rid of unsightly and
embarrassing acne includes discipline and proper diet. Adding whole
grains and more vegetables on the daily diet could lessen acne breakouts
to some people.
Although medical treatments are available for health issues like skin
problems, we are also responsible for our own health. Taking the
initiative to personally take care of your skin is important to keep
skin problems like acne away.
There are also natural remedies to successfully get rid of acne fast. To find out more visit Acne No More